a cash register with a screen

Recent Cyber-Attacks Highlight The Urgency Of Strong Cybersecurity For All Businesses

Imagine the software your organization relies on for closing deals and paying employees suddenly went offline with no clear timeline for resolution. What would you do? Could your business continue to operate? How much financial loss would you incur? This scenario became a harsh reality for over 15,000 car dealerships in the US and Canada when CDK Global, a prominent industry software provider, experienced two cyber-attacks in June.

These cyber-attacks crippled the sales, financing, and payroll systems of thousands of dealerships, forcing them to either halt operations or revert to manual pen-and-paper methods. This incident serves as a stark reminder for all small business owners about the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures.

What Happened?

The first attack struck on the evening of Tuesday, June 18. Upon detection, CDK Global promptly took the system offline to investigate. Although the system was restored the following day, a second attack occurred, necessitating another shutdown. It is believed that the system was reactivated too soon, before all vulnerabilities were identified, leading to the second breach. Cybersecurity experts suggest it could take weeks before the system is fully operational again.

While some businesses managed to switch to manual processes, the incident underscores the vulnerabilities inherent in relying on digital systems. In today's digital age, where transactions are just a few clicks away, significant disruptions arise when systems go offline. Critical business operations such as completing transactions, managing payroll, and interacting with financial institutions can grind to a halt. Until systems are restored, many business activities face delays and potential financial losses. Business owners understand that a sale isn't complete until the check clears the bank.

So, What's Next?

CDK Global has not disclosed the exact cause of the attacks, leaving it unclear whether this is intentional or due to ongoing uncertainty. Their security team must conduct a thorough investigation to identify all compromised areas. It's often challenging for large companies to accurately assess the extent of a cyber-attack after an initial review, especially if multiple vulnerabilities are present.

In the meantime, businesses must critically evaluate their systems for sales and operational continuity. Are they prepared to continue operations if a similar incident occurs?

This incident should be a wake-up call for all business leaders. If you lack a business recovery and continuity plan, you're exposing yourself to significant risk. Even if you have a plan, it must be high-quality, regularly tested, and capable of handling large-scale attacks that disable multiple operational systems. If it isn't, it's time to take action.

Our Offer

We offer a FREE consultation that will accomplish two crucial objectives:

  1. Network Vulnerability Analysis: We'll examine your network for vulnerabilities, identify potential attack points, and provide solutions to patch them, reducing your risk of becoming the next cyber-attack victim.
  2. Continuity and Recovery Planning: We'll help you develop a continuity or recovery plan tailored to your organization. While cybersecurity is essential, no solution is 100% foolproof. Therefore, you need a plan to maintain operations and recover swiftly if your network or a third-party software you depend on, like CDK, is compromised.

Don't wait for a crisis to take action. Secure your business today.

To get started, call our office at 337-547-2193 or click here to book your FREE consult now.